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« Last post by urania on July 24, 2024, 10:47:00 AM »
Io credo andrebbe regolamentato uso delle fortezze. Ritengo ingiusto che ci siano dei clan box che usino piu fortezze.
Esempio   lvl 0 con 1 solo iscritto tipo WARHAMMER40K  che ha preso di mira la fortezza che viene utilizzata dal clan SwordAndLove, clan lvl 12 con numerosi iscritto che non ha clan box con castelli e altre fortezze.

Se un clan non fa war, non fa pvp, deve andare via da viserion, visto che non c'e il minino rispetto.

Ieri ho mandato un msg al solo iscritto del clan WARHAMMER40K ma l'unica risposta ? stata che stamattina di nuovo ha preso la fortezza che da tempo utilizza il  mio clan per potenziare le skill clan

tanto per chiarezza:
clan Warhammer40k lvl 0 1 pg
clan IIIIIxIIII lvl 0 1 pg
clan SpaceMarines lvl 0 1 pg
clan ArgxBoLuDos lvl 0 1 pg
clan WarBorn lvl 0 1 pg
clan GigaByte lvl 0 1 pg
REPORT ISSUES / Switch/Trick
« Last post by NotCaese on July 20, 2024, 02:51:55 PM »
Switch and trick has a extreme low land rate. Since dagger is based on Movement and try to catch the back of the enemies to land blows from back it is a nice tool for daggers especially for Dark Elfs and Elfs since Humans have Mirage but here the land rate is very very rare, please have a look over it if you can find time :)
REPORT ISSUES / Skill Mastery
« Last post by NotCaese on July 20, 2024, 02:46:16 PM »
Passive Skill Mastery only works with physical Skills and only resets it. it doesnt double the duration like hide .. ultimate evasion .. Normally sometimes it lands on ultimate evasion and its on for 2 mins (double duration if lands) but never happened here and i used it a loooot :)

REPORT ISSUES / Dual Daggers vs Single Dagger
« Last post by NotCaese on July 20, 2024, 02:39:22 PM »
Dual Daggers and Single crit dagger deal almost same dmg. I did a test where i hitted dummy in aden with 30 times and calculated the the total damage and then the average of the blow from dual daggers and single dagger.
the outcome was that i had 60 dmg more with single dagger compared to the dual daggers (no double crits counted, only regular crit dmg of both daggers).

Seems like it doesnt add the whole 1k patk to the dagger or the dmg on single dagger got restricted or overall crit dmg got restricted. if you find time please have a look on that issue because i personally play on single dagger but this item seems to be useless like it is at the moment.
thanks for reading and for your time :)
REPORT ISSUES / Eye for Eye doombringer
« Last post by NotCaese on July 20, 2024, 02:28:20 PM »
Since i play here i cannot see skill animation of Eye for Eye Skill. Neither in Olympiad and on open PVP. afterwards when i check the dmg i see the reflection of 90%.
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Wyckoff on July 16, 2024, 10:51:25 PM »
As i know, that PVP Cancel, delete till 7-8 buffs in 1 min from your opponent. And pls, dont tell me be because of that passive skill, your dagger is not on the top. Maybe we will increase the dmg of the daggers, but dont tell us your dagger class is not working because of that passive cancelation skill.
Sorry, I didn't understand your answer. My point is that I tested the skill before posting that it didn't work and believe me, it didn't remove a single buffer. As for adagga's pvp not working, I'll explain it with an example. in the last siege I fought against a white elf tank for 40 me and he defended the holy crystal summom without any difficulty because he knew that the only chance I had was to reduce his defense, as pvp cancel doesn't work he won and I lost.
But if this skill caused problems such as anti-game due to debuffing too much and needed to be eliminated, I understand and you would just need to say that, there is no need to be rude, after all, all I posted here are questions and points related to the server rules (post scammer) and now class and skills deficiency, I'm not complaining with the aim of being invincible, I'd just like it to be as close to retail as possible or fair.

REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Scypfer on July 16, 2024, 12:58:50 AM »
As i know, that PVP Cancel, delete till 7-8 buffs in 1 min from your opponent. And pls, dont tell me be because of that passive skill, your dagger is not on the top. Maybe we will increase the dmg of the daggers, but dont tell us your dagger class is not working because of that passive cancelation skill.
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Wyckoff on July 15, 2024, 10:05:34 PM »
oday I realized that PvP daggers don't work, I don't understand why all these nerfs......

Hello, pls be more specific and let us know what pvp skill from daggers dont work?
Of course yes, I'm talking about the passive PvP skill weapow - cancel lvl1 which is acquired when you put pvp on the dagga. for some reason it is not canceling the opponent's buff during the attack
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Wyckoff on July 15, 2024, 10:01:09 PM »
I will make a lot of fixes until winter including improving classes, but you need to know those fixes will not come now.
OK, I'll wait for these corrections.thanks for responding to my post.
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Scypfer on July 15, 2024, 05:29:12 PM »
oday I realized that PvP daggers don't work, I don't understand why all these nerfs......

Hello, pls be more specific and let us know what pvp skill from daggers dont work?
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