REPORT ISSUES / Anti-game behavior in events
« Last post by Pacificador on Today at 04:59:53 PM »Hello friends, I'm here to report some behaivour that I personally think should be punished with jailtime, some clans in the server ,even in events like TvT, don't attack each other even if they're in opposing teams, others just join events to be AFK.
I've talked to some friends to see if this ever happen to anyone of them and they all said that's normal, and thats one of the causes they're givin up to join the events.
I do know that's a hard thing to automatize the punishement to the players that are in event with that kind of behavior, but I think it's a topic that should be care to the growth of the server.
I've talked to some friends to see if this ever happen to anyone of them and they all said that's normal, and thats one of the causes they're givin up to join the events.
I do know that's a hard thing to automatize the punishement to the players that are in event with that kind of behavior, but I think it's a topic that should be care to the growth of the server.