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REPORT ISSUES / Anti-game behavior in events
« Last post by Pacificador on Today at 04:59:53 PM »
Hello friends, I'm here to report some behaivour that I personally think should be punished with jailtime, some clans in the server ,even in events like TvT, don't attack each other even if they're in opposing teams, others just join events to be AFK.
I've talked to some friends to see if this ever happen to anyone of them and they all said that's normal, and thats one of the causes they're givin up to join the events.
I do know that's a hard thing to automatize the punishement to the players that are in event with that kind of behavior, but I think it's a topic that should be care to the growth of the server.
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Wyckoff on January 27, 2025, 08:43:47 PM »

I have a 5 pages to do list, for now I focus on fixing bugs, the class improvements will be done soon but I can't give you a date.
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Maximus on January 27, 2025, 10:34:17 AM »

I have a 5 pages to do list, for now I focus on fixing bugs, the class improvements will be done soon but I can't give you a date.
REPORT ISSUES / Re: Dps WindRider
« Last post by Wyckoff on January 27, 2025, 12:45:14 AM »
I will make a lot of fixes until winter including improving classes, but you need to know those fixes will not come now.

Hello GM @maximus

I'm still waiting for the improvements you mentioned. Winter has already passed and I've checked the updates made so far but none of them are about the improvements to the daggers that you promised.
Do you still intend to make these improvements?
REPORT ISSUES / Re: .status bug
« Last post by Scypfer on January 18, 2025, 08:15:32 PM »
Hello and thank you for your appreciation. The Magic Crit Chance it's limited at 16, because over this number, mages have pretty big dmg.
REPORT ISSUES / .status bug
« Last post by AndreRebou?as on January 18, 2025, 07:47:17 PM »
Greetings Viserion staff, first of all I would like to thank you for the hardwork that you put in the server for our enjoynment.
So the bug I want to report is regarding the .status function, more specific about magic critical rate, I ran some buff and equip settings around one character, the .status show (even if I did close and open it again) a fixed 16.0 magic crit chance, with equips or buffs, even without this particular status dosen't seem to change.
Anyways thank you for your time and attention.
« Last post by GIN on January 15, 2025, 01:15:35 PM »
Good suggestion for a Farm/flag zone too.... all server know we need a good farm area with flag zone, for daily pvps.... put it Maximus....gcms, elements, blesseds, semi top/vesper weapons....

Another good suggestion is to remove the instance bosses, as no one goes to the open areas, everyone just makes instances, which ends up killing the server's activities.... the entire server just keeps doing freya/frintezza/zaken.
« Last post by anonimou on January 14, 2025, 06:04:59 AM »

I would also like to make a suggestion.
Olympiad every 15 days and a period of daily battles lasting 4 hours!

I also suggest about area farming, a good place to farm where it could be a flag zone with elements, blessed, GCM, choose something that is worth the famous pvp of the flag zone and thus keeping the server lively!
Remembering this example of drop is just an option!

« Last post by GIN on January 14, 2025, 02:19:19 AM »
Agree! TW/siege and Olly in 15 days.... Its really weekend for tw/siege and Other for Olly....
« Last post by emulove on January 13, 2025, 05:22:59 PM »

Thx for suggestions, I will reply below:

1. will consider
2. heroes are formed on Friday to avoid siege, will stay
3. those will be changed but I will not add those kind of drops, other server do not have custom areas
4. no one play oly when tw/siege is under way, also that is the reason at nr. 2
Greetings Max,

I disagree, the week before last, tribalmania rose more than 230 points while its opponents participated in tw, they played cardinals.
there is a lot of feed during tw and siege.

Now I give my suggestion: configure the Olympics, TW and Siege to run biweekly, running alternately, with the Olympics ending on Sunday and the next Sunday the Siege.
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