I would like to reflect on the discussions about how to increase the population of the server and also activities for current players.
The suggestions range from implementing autofarm (
which in my opinion would be a disaster) to disable rewards for online. So this is my ideas how to make game more interesting overall.
ClanLineage was never about being a solo player. The game from it's roots was about getting into a community and improving all together. Yet, a lot of players choses solo-player role and stick to the server as long as there is something to do as a solo player.
Meaning this player never has a chance to experience Sieges/TW/Grand Bosses, the activities around which this game is actually designed to be.
In order to push players into choosing a clan (and active one), I would suggest that Quiz Reward (GC-M) would be given only for the players who are in a clan.
SiegesAs per last point, some players will just create a clan of their own and stay in there. We need to motivate players to join an active clan where they would get the benefits this game can provide.
This is where Sieges would play a crutial part. Owning a castle should be a highest achievement for a clan. And in official it made sense. You could implement taxes, sell seeds and get GC from the manor. None of which make sense in our server because of the style.
Now if online reward (Premium Coins) would be distributed only to the players who are in clan AND have a castle, this would push 99% players to get to a big clan instead of playing solo or just having some box clan on their own for clan skills.
You could theoreticaly push it further with something GoD did, Dark/Divine castles. F.e. if You have Dark Castle, You get better vote rewards but also all the players can PK You without getting karma and also getting some Festival Adena.
But this is a topic for the future.
This change would not be good at the start of the server as a lot of new players would not know about it, but at this stage, where there are stable clans, I think it would be a nice time to implement as such.
Also, if a person is not in clan, a system should inform
- "Players with a clan now can play quiz. Join a clan now!"
- "Players in a clan with a castle now get reward for online time. Join an active clan now!
Cursed WeaponsYou seem to be focused on creating events for the players of this server. But this game itself has mini events which needs to be revived. Do You remember when in Interlude a cursed weapon dropped and that was a big deal? Because You could do a lot with it? Now this is a forgotten artifact because of how NCSoft handled the transformations.
Make that when having a cursed weapon transformation would not be registered (literally commenting out a single line in "...\source\data\scripts\transformations\")
The player with a cursed weapon gets 1 FA per kill (ofc usual protection about killing different IP to prevent box-farm)
The player who kills a cursed weapon gets 10 FA + Cursed Weapon Kill Count (if cursed weapon killed 12 players until death, a killer gets 10 + 12 FA)
Raid FarmWhat is a main point of the Lineage? - Progression. There is nothing more satisfying that to AOE bunch of mobs which You died just a couple of days ago.
For PVP side we have the ultimate achievement - Hero.
For PVE side - we do not have such achievement. As someone who has a char prepared nearly to the maximum, it demotivates me to think there is simply no way to make my char stronger.
We already have Raid Point system, but it could be revamped to give "Raid Hero" status to the players for the each week.
It would give
* some distinct aura
* + 200% dmg during PVE
Yes, +200% bonus is huge, but again so is being a hero, having UD, immune to debuffs and etc. So this would be a high achievement for killing raids, worth the farm and would not breake the game.
Also, when all daily activities are finished and there are no raid online, I find myself just standing in town thinking about what to do next. This is where raid farm would also be nice.
All field raids should drop BEAS 100%Think about it - You can farm BEAS from LOA Mages, but some ppl need to have boxes for that, with items and it's a pain in the.... If You could get 1 BEAS from killing any raid, even though the speed of obtaining the BEAS would not increase (it takes a lot of time to run to a boss and kill it rather than spoil in the same spot (and God forbid do not create Raid Teleporter) , the fun of obtaining BEAS would increase.
All field raids would be constantly erased from a surface of the world just for a simple guaranteed reward.
Also, for this we need to have an ability to order raid list not only by Status/Level but by a respawn time.